PFEA112-20 3BSE030369R20 tension controller in stock



product description

PFEA112-20-3BSE030369R0020 is a high-precision tension controller module launched by ABB, specially designed for controlling the tension of winding materials (such as paper, film, metal foil, etc.). It can accurately control the tension of the material, ensuring smooth operation of the material during the production process and improving product quality. This module is suitable for all types of winding materials including paper, film, foil, textiles and more.

PFEA112-20-3BSE030369R0020 has the following characteristics:

Ultra-high precision: The control accuracy is as high as ±0.05%, which can meet the most demanding tension control needs.
Ultra-fast response: response speed is as fast as <5ms, which can meet rapidly changing tension control needs
Wide range of adjustment: wide adjustment range to meet various tension control needs
Multiple control modes: Provide multiple control modes to meet different application needs
Perfect protection function: It has perfect protection function to ensure the safety and reliability of the system.

PFEA112-20-3BSE030369R0020 is used to control the tension of winding materials. It can be used in the following scenarios:

Control tension in materials such as paper, film, foil, textiles and more
Control the tension of printing machines, coating machines, slitting machines and other equipment
Realize closed-loop tension control to ensure smooth operation of materials

PFEA112-20-3BSE030369R0020 is widely used in the following fields:

Printing industry: equipment such as printing presses, slitting machines, etc.
Packaging industry: equipment such as coating machines, laminating machines, etc.
Metal processing industry: production lines for steel strips, aluminum foil and other materials
Textile industry: such as textile production lines
Others: Such as rubber, plastics and other industries

Application areas

Specific application areas of PFEA112-20-3BSE030369R0020 include:

High-precision printing: control the tension of high-precision printing machines to ensure printing quality
Film production: control the tension of the film production line to ensure the thickness and uniformity of the film
Metal foil production: Control the tension of the metal foil production line to ensure the thickness and quality of the metal foil
Textile production: control the tension of textile production lines to ensure the quality of textiles
Rubber product production: control the tension of the rubber product production line to ensure the quality of rubber products
Plastic product production: Control the tension of the plastic product production line to ensure the quality of plastic products



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