Honeywell CC-PAIH51 Input/output module

Warranty period: One year
Contact: Sissie
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Main :PLC module, DCS system, robot spare parts
Applicable to: steel plant/thermal power plant/tire plant/water plant, etc
Service advantage: import, stock supply, price, quality assurance


The Honeywell CC-PAIH51 is an input/output module manufactured by Honeywell for use in industrial automation and control systems. Here is a detailed description of the product:

Basic information
Manufacturer: Honeywell
Product number: CC-PAIH51
Product Type: Analog input module with HART
Technical specification
Input type: Current (2-wire or self-powered transmitter)
Input channels: 16 channels (all single-ended)
Input range: Only 4-20 mA (up to 200 Ω)
A/D converter resolution: 16 bits
Common mode rejection ratio: 70 dB for DC to 60 Hz (500° source imbalance)
Common mode voltage: Peak from -6 to +5 V at DC to 60 Hz
Normal mode rejection ratio: 19 dB at 60 Hz
Normal mode filter response: unipolar RC, -3 dB@6.5Hz
Max Normal mode input: ±30 V
Crosstalk: -60 dB from DC to 60 Hz (between channels)
Input scan rate: 50 ms
Hardware accuracy: 0.075% (23.5°±2°C) of ± full scale, 0.15%± (0 to 60°C) of full scale
Physical characteristics
Weight: 2 kg
Application field
Honeywell CC-PAIH51 modules are widely used in industrial automation applications that require high-precision analog signal input, such as power plants, refineries, and petrochemical plants. Its HART communication function enables the module to communicate bidirectionally with intelligent sensors for remote configuration, monitoring and diagnosis.

The article is from the official website of Zhejiang Yiwu Beixun Automation Technology Co., Ltd. Please attach the following link for reprinting:


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