GE DS200CVMAG3A Analog input/output module

Warranty period: One year
Contact: Sissie
Contact :+ 86-15339537573 (wechat)
Main :PLC module, DCS system, robot spare parts
Applicable to: steel plant/thermal power plant/tire plant/water plant, etc
Service advantage: import, stock supply, price, quality assurance


1. Basic information
Brand: GE (General Electric)
Model: DS200CVMAG3A
Type: Analog input/output module
Features: High precision, high efficiency, high safety, suitable for industrial production scenarios
Second, function and application
The DS200CVMAG3A is a 12-channel, 13-bit current analog output module designed for the GE Fanuc Versamax series. It supports multiple current range Settings (e.g., 4-2mA, -2mA, etc.) with external power requirements and programmability. The module is also capable of maintaining its output status in the event of a backplane power or communication interruption, or setting the default output via a jumper.
Application: Widely used in the field of industrial automation, especially in the need for accurate control of current output occasions, such as motor control, process control, etc.
3. Technical specifications
Number of channels: 12 single-ended channels
Voltage range: 18 to 30VDC
Current range: Support 4-2mA, -2mA and other range Settings
Refresh rate: 15 milliseconds
LED indicator: Used to indicate power supply and module status
Energy consumption: 5mA from the +5V bus
4. Use and maintenance
Installation and connection: When installing DS200CVMAG3A, ensure that all connections are correct and follow the relevant safety specifications. For vulnerable parts such as ribbon cables, special attention should be paid to the way they are installed and disassembled to avoid damage.
Maintenance and inspection: regularly check the working status of the module, including the display of the LED indicator and the stability of the current output. If any exception is found, handle it in time.

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