NI PXIe-8301 PXI Remote control module

Warranty period: One year
Contact: Sissie
Contact :+ 86-15339537573 (wechat)


I. Product overview
Brand & Manufacturer: National Instruments (NI)
Product type: PXI remote control module
Technical basis: Based on Thunderbolt 3 technology
2. Main functions and characteristics
Remote control:
The PXIe-8301 allows users to remotely control the PXI system from a portable device such as a laptop using the Thunderbolt 3 interface, greatly increasing the portability and flexibility of the test system.
High Performance connectivity:
The module is equipped with two Thunderbolt 3 ports, provides PCI Express Gen 3 connectivity, and supports continuous data throughput of up to 2.3 GB/s, ensuring efficient data transfer.
Although NI does not support direct Daisy chain connections to other PXIe chassis using the PXIE-8301’s second Thunderbolt 3 port, users can connect and scale multi-chassis systems in other ways, such as using the MXIe Bus expansion module.
Multi-purpose port:
In addition to remote control for PXI systems, the additional Thunderbolt 3 ports on the PXIe-8301 can also be used to connect Thunderbolt peripheral hardware such as displays.
3. Application scenarios
Industrial automation: In industrial automation test systems, PXIe-8301 can be used to remotely control PXI test equipment on production lines to improve production efficiency and test accuracy.
Research experiments: In the field of research and experiments, the PXIe-8301 provides scientists and engineers with a convenient test tool to support data acquisition and analysis of a variety of complex experiments.
Teaching training: In higher education and vocational training, PXIe-8301 can be used to build high-performance laboratory testing systems to help students and trainees master advanced testing techniques and methods.


The article is from the official website of Zhejiang Yiwu Beixun Automation Technology Co., Ltd. Please attach the following link for reprinting:


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